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May 24, 2024

Students Share: Why I Chose Roberts

For who you are becoming and what you’ll do, is Roberts Wesleyan University the right choice for you?

To gain insights into why students choose our university, we spoke with some current undergraduates. Micah Cornfield, from Corning, followed his dreams to attend Roberts to study Business Administration. 

Let’s learn more about Micah who embarked on his own higher education journey that echoed the paths of his brothers, alumni Jacob and Will, who came before him.

Micah Cornfield headshot

What stood out to you when you visited the campus for the first time? Was there an "aha" moment?

I was so young when I started coming to Roberts that I do not remember the first time, but I can say my “aha” moment was when I met the soccer team for the first time and realized it was going to be more than soccer.

Micah plays soccer

How did your family's experience at Roberts impact your decision to choose Roberts?

I have always looked up to my brothers and them paving the path for me to come here too was an opportunity I did not want to pass up. After my brothers graduated they both stayed in the Rochester area, so being able to be here and having them around to watch my games and hang out with was a huge plus for me.

Can you share one academic quality or skill that you have developed as a result of your education so far?

Roberts is a small close-knit community that allows students to actually get to know their professors and most of their peers around them. This allowed me to develop my relationship-building skills and excel academically. Being able to connect with the people around me is something that will be a useful skill in all walks of life and I can thank Roberts for helping me build that.

Has there been a faculty member who has shepherded you or mentored you for Christian worldview integration, academic discovery, transformative learning experiences, academic standards, or character education?

One example that sticks out is my coaches, who have not only pushed me to be my best on and off the field but also pushed me to keep a close relationship with God. I am extremely blessed to be a part of the soccer team that gets together for a prayer group to build our faith together.

Men's soccer team huddles on the field.

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