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Roberts Wesleyan University and 东北神学院 Inaugurate New President, 鲁珀特一. Hayles小., Ph.D.

Distinguished guests and the campus community gathered to commemorate the institutions’ new visionary leader

President Hayles smiles on stage and board members clap behind him.
今天, at an inauguration ceremony at Pearce Church, Roberts Wesleyan University and 东北神学院 officially welcomed Dr. 鲁珀特一. Hayles小. as the 12th 总统 of the university and fourth 总统 of the seminary. During his inaugural address, Hayles shared his vision for the institutions, reaffirming his commitment to building upon the university and seminary’s storied heritage, 使命及价值观, while further establishing his proficiency for driving academic, leadership and spiritual development for students through a faith-based education.

“当我想到什么?.T. and Ellen Roberts have created, I feel humbled to be in this position, knowing that I am in some small way continuing their work with Roberts Wesleyan University and 东北神学院,海尔斯说. “As institutions of higher learning, we are faced with many headwinds: enrollment, value proposition and demographic shifts. 然而, with the unbridled enthusiasm of faculty, 教职员及学生, with an energetic sharing of the vision of the future that God has for us, and with an unrelenting focus on innovation, success in the future is unlimited. 作为基督徒, whatever we do will be graced with the consistency of action and deep love for Christ and for our neighbors. I look forward to a bright future.”
President Hayles smiles down while giving his address at inauguration.

After taking office in mid-July, Hayles connected with local dignitaries, 组成部分和合作伙伴, 以及教职员工, 教职员及学生. The campus community gathered for the Faculty and Staff Kickoff in late August, and welcomed undergraduate and adult and graduate students back to campus for the 2023-24 academic year. The incoming traditional undergraduate class is the largest since COVID. 在海尔斯的指导下, the community is focused on strategic alignment across all areas of the institution through Vision 2030, a bold and innovative plan for future growth and strength.

Prior to accepting his position at Roberts Wesleyan, Hayles served in various roles at New Jersey’s Pillar College since 2019, including chief operating officer, executive vice 总统 and, 最近, 总统. Prior to his career in higher education, Hayles served in the United States Air Force as an officer before transitioning to the private sector to support organizations with strategic management, organizational development and advancement, and executive coaching for more than 25 years.

During the competitive nationwide search for a new 总统, Hayles impressed the search committee with his broad range of experiences, 功能, results and commitment to Christian higher education.上任以来, Hayles has continued to voice his dedication to the mission and core values of Roberts Wesleyan and Northeastern and looks forward to leveraging his love of education, including his unique experiences in the for-cause and for-profit worlds, to drive the vision of the university and the seminary well into the future.

Several distinguished guests traveled to attend the event to celebrate the historic moment, including former 总统s Dr. Deana L. Porterfield from Seattle Pacific University, Dr. 约翰一. 来自德克萨斯州的马丁博士. 威廉·C. 来自密歇根的克罗瑟斯. 琳达J. Adams, bishop of the Free Methodist Church USA, was also in attendance, joining Dr. 特里R. 坦纳, chair of the Roberts Wesleyan University and 东北神学院 board of trustees, and several of Hayles’ family and friends from across the U.S.
Dr. 约翰一. Martin, President Emeritus, Dr. 威廉·Crothers, President Emeritus, Dr. 鲁珀特一. Hayles, Jr, President, Dr. Deana L. Porterfield, Former President
Dr. 约翰一. Martin, President Emeritus, Dr. 威廉·Crothers, President Emeritus, Dr. 鲁珀特一. Hayles, Jr, President, Dr. Deana L. Porterfield, Former President
“在大流行后时代, colleges and universities need to address numerous challenges and issues to remain strong and relevant for students,泰伯说。. “For Roberts Wesleyan University and 东北神学院, the board is excited to welcome Dr. Hayles as our 总统 with his significant experiences in corporate roles, finance and higher education. We look forward to working with him to strengthen and grow these thriving learning institutions for many years to come.”
The sanctuary at inauguration.

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